In my LinkedIn groups, there was an article about the Top 15 Python libraries you could use for deep learning. I have looked at various programming languages but most of them would be important but depends on what you’re developing.
I even just posted a set of C++ books I’d like to read. After going through two of them on data structure and data clustering, it mentions early machine learning algorithm techniques that is used in today’s higher level popular languages. For sure, you could use these at a lower level for high speed trading needs.
Lastly, I mention C++ for the next generation algo system I plan to build later in the year. As you know, I have recently become a big fan of Python where I plan to use all my macro level fundamental data analysis to be used to feed into this Next-generation trading system. It will get kind of exciting towards the end of the year I believe.
As you know, I’m currently teaching all the necessary building block infrastructure tools for any of these type of trading systems. Also you need to be aware that this is a “one time deal.” For example, I’ll be showcasing with hopefully Ivan my latest research for Interactive Brokers.
If you want to attend this LIVE event tomorrow night, you need to become a Quant Elite member right away as this happens tomorrow night at 8 PM Eastern standard time.
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