I am looking for a relatively inexpensive or free backtesting software. Any help would be appreciated it.
Try this: http://www.beesoft.net/ I using and is very good.
This one is for Mac users and I use a PC, any more suggestions.
, I would suggest Amibroker. It is very inexpensive and relatively easy to understand. I could help you with getting started on the same. ( I am not an amibroker vendor)
8 hours ago
ProRealtime: http://www.prorealtime.com/en/
It’s written in Java so it’s cross platform. For the class I’m teaching, I base a project on modeling & backtesting in prorealtime. They have a rudimentary gridsearch optimizer and a decently comprehensive equity database. They have their own programming language but a fluent programmer can pick it up in < 1 hour. However, you do get what you pay for and it’s only useful for testing a price based model, you won’t be able to incorporate any outside global variables or your external datastream.
Amibroker !!